Monday, April 18, 2011

My Honduran Adventure

Hey all!

Well I'm officially in Honduras. I arrived yesterday night; the flights and all went smoothly. And just for emphasis with some of my friends who have horrible luck while traveling: I also received all my luggage promptly and on time. Hope you folks enjoy that ;).

The school I am staying at is called Plan Escalon. It is both a school and an orphanage and serves casi 600 estudiantes. The layout of the campus reminds me quite a bit of a summer camp back in the states. It is completely self-sustainable in the fact that it is more like a college campus, with dorms, a cafeteria, offices, classrooms, a basketball court and soccer fields. It also has a clinic which is where I will be helping out. The clinic serves the students and staff and isn't exactly huge. It is one room split by a curtain into an examination/drug room and an office. The paramedic/EMT/nurse who runs it is an guy by the name of Joseph. He has been doing it for 4 years now and does everything from passing basic drugs to minor surgeries. Very cool stuff.

I stay in a bunkhouse with a kitchen on the second floor. Currently I am staying alone, and will be for the majority of the trip, but on weds I will be sharing the bunkhouse with six men from another ministry in Honduras. That might be pretty interesting, seeing as my spanish todavia esta rusty. Yesterday I spoke spanish almost all day long; even making some friends with a few of the students at the school. I played soccer with a few of them as well. My verb and noun agreement is currently awful, but I can recognize when I do something wrong and begin to fix it, which is one step in the right direction.

Alright well Ive already spent more time on this computer than I meant to. Hope everyone is doing well back in the States and wherever else you are when you read this. Ill update again when I have more stories.

Nos Vemos

1 comment:

Unknown said...

enjoy the adventure my friend! and hope you get into the swing of spanish muy rapido!