Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A New Beginning

"They agreed they were in this for good, completely together in prayer..."

Tonight was the first night of Young Life for this year. About 4 years ago I quit young life because of time constraints. College was starting, I was working, and, to be completely honest, I wanted to make friends more than I wanted to lead a bunch of high schoolers. Looking back I can see that there was more at work than only my desires to move on from high school. I needed to grow, and the only way to do that was to find who I was, apart from my old life in high school.

And that is exactly what I did over the last few years. The ways in which I have changed are more numerous than I can get into on a blog; more appropriate for a cup of coffee or a beer and some quality conversation. But everything I've experienced in the previous four years has brought me back here; making a sort of odd circle back to where I started. Yet that place where I started is completely different, making it a new beginning of sorts.

Sitting in on the meeting tonight reminded me of what it was like to be part of a community of believers who are fun, honest, energetic, and completely devoted to following Jesus. People who accept their humanity as beautiful and part of a bigger picture. A story of how Dad is working to recreate and to restore a beautiful universe he created. And then reading that small section from Acts which I began this post with felt appropriate, especially after the prayer used to end the meeting.

And yet nothing this good comes easily. Two days ago I received new hours from the hospital which directly conflict with my ability to attend club. There is no possible way I can be a leader with out attending club, but the management at spectrum are not the easiest people to work with. That being said there is a small chance I can return to my every weekend post, and if young life is meant to work out I don't think switching back should be a problem. We'll see though, as I said negotiating with the managers over hours is never something which works out well in the end. Here's to hoping and praying that this is the exception. :-P

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