Sunday, May 18, 2008

My Songs

Alright. Finals are over, life is slowing down....and im not sure I like it. Although i was stressed during finals I look back and realize I liked it. In fact, its weird to not have the pressure anymore. I dont know what to do with myself. So ive resorted to work and sitting around watching crappy tv movies. Somehow not the same....

Anyway, Im trying to find good music to write to. And I keep falling back to three songs. The first one is I am no Superman by Lazlo Bane. Fantastic song. And if youve ever watched Scrubs youve heard part of it. And the main theme throughout the song is the fact that "I cant do this all on my own". In fact, one of the reasons why I love scrubs so much is because of that same theme. The fact that we cant do life on our own.

The second song is one from the movie Transformers. I know, kinda cheesy right? But its a good song called Before its to Late. Its about being who you are. How thats all we need in our lives. About taking risks. "A life you dont live is still live like you mean it, love till you feel it, its all we need in our lives". Somehow that resonates with me. On a level deeper then well written lyrics.

The third song is Boston by Augustana. This song has been a quality song in my life for a while. Ever since about this time last year when I first "discovered" it. And at one point in the song it says "I think I need a new town, to leave all this behind... I think I need a sunrise, Im tired of the sunset...". Change. My life has revolved around this theme of change. Change in perspective, change in surroundings. Change in this being I consider God, who, according to what Ive been taught, isnt supposed to change.

But thats not the only reason I like these songs. Each one of them reminds me a places, or times. It brings back amazing memories of some of the best highlights over the past year. The first one, reminds me of the last few months. Of Spain and the time after. The second, of the beginning of last summer. And the third. Of that renewing time I had in WA last summer on a little island called Whidbey. When I went to see Transformers with a good friend.

But back to those themes. Change. Not being able to live life on ones own. Taking risks. I know that all these things have been said before. That people have given speeches, lectures, and had coffee over these kinda topics, and that anything I could say about them has already been said. So I wont say anything more. Other than each of these is necessary. Figure it out on your own. Discover what change is, who you can lean on, and where your risks are. Be independent…but be dependent at the same time. Confidence and vulnerability can go together. And be patient. Give your life time. Not everything happens at the speed of sound.

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