Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Finale

Stories have an incredible power to display aspects of life which can not be shown any other way. They uniquely describe the ideas they are built on by pulling at emotions and “shared” past experiences between characters and audience. Their ability to work multiple themes into one overall motif allows for multiple interpretations which give so many different faces to one specific story. And a story is the reason for this post.

        Scrubs was on tonight. And for those of you who do not know what Scrubs is my best advice is…well…go watch it. But in case you don’t want to do that here’s a quick synopsis. Scrubs is a TV show which deals with the lives of four doctors, their families, and their lives in the hospital Sacred Heart. It’s a sitcom but unlike most the writers blend both comedy and drama nearly seamlessly. That blending is the aspect which caused me to fall in love with the show. Anything that can make me both laugh hysterically and sit contemplating life situations all within a half hour is worth watching; at least in my opinion.

        So tonight was the last episode of this show. Watching it, and hearing what J.D. had to say about the future, about how it is still his to mold and how the past will always influence what he wants the future to look like, began me considering what I want to see in my future. But that only happened after I thought back on the year and a half that I have been watching Scrubs. Weirdly enough it has been a huge “staple” during that time. The show has been a way for me to wind down after a long day, something to have on when its raining outside, or a trigger for certain memories over the last year. So the last episode sparked something in me; a type of nostalgia.

       Much of what was said tonight on the show resonated with my experiences of change. I specifically remember leaving California and how it was the most significant thing which was happening in my life at that time. Yet for the lives of everyone around me it was just another day. Sure I got cards and good-byes but for them it was a small change in the over all aspect of their lives. For me it was a complete life change. And Dr. Cox sums that feeling up perfectly when he states “"I'm real sorry there, newbie. But this is not a special day for me. It's just a day." 

      But more than that, when I first saw Scrubs it reignited a flame which I had long thought had been put out. It reawakened my interest in medicine, in wanting to be a doctor. The show acted as a catalyst which pushed me to where I am now. It pushed me to realize that my true interest does not actually lie in sustainable energy, in ecosystems, or even in environmental medicine/public health. It lies in medicine and the practice thereof. But to admit that also ties me down to one specific path which opens up the possibility of failure, something that I am not good at accepting or dealing with. So in a way Scrubs both acted as a catalyst for me rediscovering a dream of mine, as well as a catalyst for me actually admitting that dream and committing to a course which, hopefully, will bring me there.

      So much more could be said about the things Scrubs brings to mind when I watch. And those things hopefully will be said at some point in my life, either here or in a journal. But I wanted to jot a few things down here, real quick, just as a ode to a show which has, strangely enough, meant quite a bit in my life. So thanks Scrubs and everyone involved for an amazing show (word keeps telling me that this sentence is a fragment and just to spite it I’m gonna keep it that way…also with all this on the end it no longer classifies as a fragment). Keep up the good work.